Archive for January, 2007

Circling the iPhone

Play in ThickBox At MacWorld 2007, the iPhone was available for viewing in demo mode rotating in a case. Tags: iPhone, MacWorld2007, AppleComputers

New Year, New Media – Part I of II

Play in ThickBox New Media was covered on the January 1st, 2006 Lehrer Newshour last segment, “New Media, New Year”. The current and future effects of video outlets like YouTube are moderated by Jeffery Brown and dicussed with Mark Jurkowitz, Associate Director of The Project for Excellence in Journalism Adam Clayton Powell III, Director […]

New Year, New Media – Part II of II

Play in ThickBox New Media was covered on the January 1st, 2006 Lehrer Newshour last segment, “New Media, New Year”. The current and future effects of video outlets like YouTube are moderated by Jeffery Brown and dicussed with Mark Jurkowitz, Associate Director of The Project for Excellence in Journalism Adam Clayton Powell III, Director […]