Stats Test

The above video is a test of a program for viewership statistics.

Circling the iPhone

At MacWorld 2007, the iPhone was available for viewing in demo mode rotating in a case.

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New Year, New Media – Part I of II

New Media was covered on the January 1st, 2006 Lehrer Newshour last segment, “New Media, New Year”. The current and future effects of video outlets like YouTube are moderated by Jeffery Brown and dicussed with

This is Part I of II.

New Year, New Media – Part II of II

New Media was covered on the January 1st, 2006 Lehrer Newshour last segment, “New Media, New Year”. The current and future effects of video outlets like YouTube are moderated by Jeffery Brown and dicussed with

Jason Schultz at EFF on DMCA Take Down Notices – Part IV (5:56)

Continuing the discussion with with Jason Schultz at the Electronic Frontier Foundation on using the DMCA to inhibit internet speech. Jason goes into Landmark Education’s usage of the DMCA and how bloggers can responsed to DMCA notices.

Sites covered:

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Jason Schultz at EFF on DMCA Take Down Notices – Part III (2:42)

Continuing the discussion with with Jason Schultz at the Electronic Frontier Foundation on using the DMCA to inhibit internet speech. The applicability, if any, of the DMCA to hosts outside U.S. is discussed.

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Jason Schultz at EFF on DMCA Take Down Notices – Part II (4:18)

Continuing the discussion with with Jason Schultz at the Electronic Frontier Foundation on using the DMCA to inhibit internet speech. The possible precedent of the Diehl v. Crook case is discussed.

For background on the Michael Crook case see the intro.

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Jason Schultz at EFF on DMCA Take Down Notices – Part I (6:04)

Continuing the discussion with with Jason Schultz at the Electronic Frontier Foundation on using the DMCA to inhibit internet speech. Here we go into how an ISP can respond to a DMCA notice and what could be done to protect against the notice.

Sites discussed:

For background on the Michael Crook case see the intro.

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Jason Schultz at EFF on DMCA Take Down Notices – Intro (6:07)

On Tuesday, Nov. 14th, 2006, I met with Jason Schultz at the Electronic Frontier Foundation on using the DMCA to inhibit internet speech.  The segment is an introduction to the EFF and the Michael Crook case.

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EFF on Landmark Education’s DMCA subpoena (6:21)

On November 8th, 2006 I interviewed EFF lawyer, Kurt Opsahl, on EFF’s defense of the Internet Archive from the Landmark Education DMCA Subpeona.  Landmark Education subpoenaed the Internet Archive, Google Video and YouTube to reveal the identity of who uploaded the France TV 3 video on the Lanmdark Forum. Kurt recommends bloggers, whether using text, audio or video, review the EFF: Legal Guide for Bloggers. Another source of information for online rights is the Chilling Effects Clearinghouse with a database of take down notices. Should you receive a Cease and Desist notice(s) they can be put up there.

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