Archive for the 'Web' Category

Interview with Kevin Sladek of VideoEgg (5:52)

Watch Video At the end of IBDNetwork‘s Under the Radar: Video Blogs Killed the TV Star event I interviewed Kevin Sladek, co-founder of VideoEgg.

Mary Hodder presents Dabble (5:25)

Watch Video Mary Hodder‘s presentation of Dabble at the IBDNetwork‘s Under the Radar: Video Blogs Killed the TV Star event.  Om Malik recently blogged on Dabble and Tom Raftery interviewed Mary on his podcast. Apologizes for the high exposure at the start.

JD Lasica Interviews Josh Kinberg (3:02)

Watch Video Last Wednesday I attended IBDNetwork‘s Under the Radar: Video Blogs Killed the TV Star event at Fenwick & West. After the presentations, judging and Q&A, as people were mingling and talking, JD Lasica of interviewed some of the presenters. I was walking around shooting as I came upon JD interviewing Josh Kinberg […]

Announcing “Tech Alley” (length: 1:09)

The Cirne vlog site has split to the new Tech Alley vlog for digital technology videos.