Josh Kinberg Presents FireAnt (5:01)

Josh Kinberg presents FireAnt at the IBDNetwork‘s Under the Radar: Video Blogs Killed the TV Star event.

Dave Samuel Presents Grouper (5:19)

Dave Samuel presents Grouper at the IBDNetwork‘s Under the Radar: Video Blogs Killed the TV Star event.

Kevin Sladek Presents VideoEgg (4:45)

Kevin Sladek presentation of VideoEgg at the IBDNetwork‘s Under the Radar: Video Blogs Killed the TV Star event.

Interview with Kevin Sladek of VideoEgg (5:52)

At the end of IBDNetwork‘s Under the Radar: Video Blogs Killed the TV Star event I interviewed Kevin Sladek, co-founder of VideoEgg.

Mary Hodder presents Dabble (5:25)

Mary Hodder‘s presentation of Dabble at the IBDNetwork‘s Under the Radar: Video Blogs Killed the TV Star event.  Om Malik recently blogged on Dabble and Tom Raftery interviewed Mary on his podcast.

Apologizes for the high exposure at the start.

JD Lasica Interviews Josh Kinberg (3:02)

Last Wednesday I attended IBDNetwork‘s Under the Radar: Video Blogs Killed the TV Star event at Fenwick & West. After the presentations, judging and Q&A, as people were mingling and talking, JD Lasica of interviewed some of the presenters. I was walking around shooting as I came upon JD interviewing Josh Kinberg of in the back of the room.

Behind The Scenes at Geek Entertainment TV (6:41)

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Behind The Scenes At Geek Entertainment TV

Ever wonder what goes on behind the scenes at Geek Entertainment Television?  Well, I caught up with them as they interviewed Irene McGee of the No One’s Listening podcast.  Then Irene interviewed the geeksters.  This all happened outisde the Laughing Squid 10th Anniversary Party.

Outside Laughing Squid’s 10th Anniversary Party (1:53)

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Outside Laughing Squid's 10th

This is a glimpse into the Laughing Squid‘s 10th Anniversary Party in the parking lot outside Varnish Fine Arts on November 12, 2005.

Inside Laughing Squid’s 10th Anniversary Party (3:33)

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Inside Laughing Squid's 10th

On November 12, 2005 Laughing Squid celebrated their 10th Anniversary as an internet service.  The party was inside the Varnish Fine Arts and outside in Varnish’s parking lot.  This is the edit of the footage shot inside.

In The TechCrunch Kitchen (6:07)

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In The TechCrunch Kitchen

Here’s some spoon fulls of what was cooking in the TechCrunch Kitchen on November 18, 2005.  The audio wasn’t optimal since it’s a small, somewhat enclosed space with other people’s voices bouncing and creating interfering.  So I subtitled (abbreviating some of the sentences) in parts.

  1. 0:04: Robert Scoble on a blogging web service that automaticaly highlights, searchs and find tags in other services related to the text as it’s typed in.
  2. 1:35:  Munjal Shah, CEO & Co-Founder of Riya, on the value of blogs to company PR.
  3. 2:15:  Munjal on the release of Riya alpha 2.
  4. 2:38:  Munjal on the next step in Riya, the discovery search.  Everybody’s photo metadata is searchable, but access to private photos is through a negotiated access control.
  5. 3:20:  Steve Gilmor asks Munjal whether if it will be institutionalized that the metadata is open.